Christmas in the Tropics

It is really weird not having snow or cold during Christmas time. Don’t get me wrong, I am very happy to be warm and I love not checking the thermometer to decide how many layers will be needed for the day. My mind had trouble remembering that it was Christmas even though there are plenty of decorations and festivities around Panama.

To keep the holiday spirit, we tried to maintain some holiday traditions while we started a few new Panamanian ones. One of the new traditions was to volunteer at the FANLYC (La Fundación Amigos del Niño con Leucemia y Cáncer) Christmas party. ISP does a lot to support this organization–collect presents, raise money, etc…

The school’s bulletin boards were very festive. I loved all the snowflakes since snow is such a foreign concept in the tropics!

Finally, the best part of Christmas was a visit from friends! We were so grateful and happy to have the Hensley family come spend Christmas with us!

Finally, Panama loves fireworks! New Years Eve had 30+ displays of fireworks. We could look out our window and see multiple displays!

Happy 2015!